Soldiers with Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) and Post Traumatic Stress (PTSD) don’t get the same level of support that visibly wounded soldiers do. To raise visibility and funds for treatment centers, we created a powerful campaign that included mobile ads, social campaign and a responsive design website.
Make a lasting impact on the lives of U.S. soldiers returning from war with TBI and PTSD by raising awareness and funds.
To make invisible wounds visible, we needed to make a big impact. To do that, we created a website that integrated Facebook and Twitter to extend our reach and allow visitors to donate online to the building of National Intrepid Center of Excellence Satellite Centers, state-of-the-art facilities for treating soldiers with TBI and PTSD. Videos featuring wounded soldiers asking for financial and emotional help for their comrades lived on YouTube, so it could easily run across platforms and make retweeting and sharing as easy as possible. Through our TV commercials, website, social campaign and online ads we’ve helped raise over 8 million dollars to build treatment centers around the country.
121MM Online ad media impressions
8MM Raised for 8 treatment centers
Joe Volpicelli, ECD
David Clark, ACD
Jessica Lee, Sr. CW